How to Price a Unicorn

In the pricing world we often preach that there is always some alternative for your product or service. But what about a product so new to the world it isn’t even of this world? Let’s explore.

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College Scholarship Athletes – Students or Employees

In a rather remarkable decision, the National Labor Relations Board has ruled that football scholarship athletes at Northwestern University should be considered employees and therefore are to be given the right to unionize and bargain collectively. The implications of this ruling are enormous and far-reaching, and the ruling seems to raise more questions than it answers.

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Top 6 – March 2014

“Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.” -Steve Jobs Understanding the psychology of your customers and what drives them to purchase (or not to purchase) is increasingly important. You can’t drive people to you if you don’t understand what drives…

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Amazon’s Ever-Changing Price Appeal

With many large online retailers using algorithms to manage pricing, we see items change their prices multiple times over the course of a month, week, or even in one single day! Are these constant price changes good for consumers, or are they ultimately confusing, or harmful? Are they signaling us to buy? Are constant price changes communicating to consumers that these items are less valuable?

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