Posts by: J.D. Gershbein
How LinkedIn has gained entry to the hallowed halls of corporate America isn’t so much the question but, rather, why has it taken so long?
MoreThe beginning of a new decade is the best possible benchmark. It is the perfect time to evaluate current business practices, set…
MoreWho owns your personal brand? What is driving the meaning of your brand to clients, partners, and employers? How is your online content being disseminated across the digital divide? For those who have yet to incorporate LinkedIn into their hierarchy of marketing objectives, these may be challenging questions.
MoreThe question still comes up: What is LinkedIn? Once that answer is delivered, sometimes to the satisfaction of the inquirer; most often, not, the other question is sure to follow: Why LinkedIn?
MoreThe Social Media tsunami has spawned a veritable army of evangelists, strategists, consultants, and would-be entrepreneurs in the fight for the Internet marketing dollar. They are marching to a subtle yet driving hymn of information overload, promising ROI, search engine domination and profitability at every turn. In the distance, tweeting, once faint, can be heard. The most ambitious of these soldiers, with laptops ablaze, have set their sights on the C-suite.
MoreHow is success in Social Media defined? Is it an input-equals-output argument? Can expenditures by companies in this area be justified? With so many individuals and corporations unable to attach logic to the concept, let alone the possibility of payoff, how does the use of the Social Media translate into black ink on the balance sheet? These are the questions imposed on businesses that seek to advance and flourish in the Internet Age
MoreNobody saw this coming. A few hints were given that something was looming on the horizon, but not to this extent, to this fanfare. It struck suddenly and has pounded down on us with no quarter. In describing the impact of Social Media, the tsunami metaphor works—and mainstream business better be ready to accept it. Rather than being crushed under its immense force, individuals and companies must now learn how to surf—and very quickly. But what exactly triggered this tectonic shift in habit?
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