Posts by: Tim J. Smith, PhD

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Repositioning Technology: Scott Davis of SmartSynch

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 11, 2002

A difficulty of fundamental research is that scientists rarely know exactly how a discovery will be manifested in the marketplace, that is,…

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Revenue Generators: Putting it on the Line

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 9, 2002

It is true that salespeople have a lot of self confidence. As a group, they are willing to place a significant portion…

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Growing in Downturns

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 26, 2002

“If the GDP declines but there are no economists reporting it, do we still have a recession?” —- It is no secret…

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First Tuesday’s ‘Next Big Thing’: Exploration vs Hunting

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 19, 2002

Those of us in attendance at the First Tuesday event held on the 11th of June had the opportunity to learn about…

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CSA Explains: Wireless

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 17, 2002

On Friday morning, 14 June, I had the pleasure of attending the “CSA Explains: Wireless” event at the Lewis Center of De…

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B2B Marketing?

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 13, 2002

According to Randy Kobat, Director of Strategic Planning of ADP, in Business-to-Business (B2B) industries, marketing is an important driver of success. For…

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Market Segmentation: Tom Hoffman of SymplicIT

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 6, 2002

We all understand that new ventures proposing to enter mature markets with a me-too strategy are doomed to struggle. In dominant texts…

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Addressing Investor Concerns

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 5, 2002

There are three legs to a new venture. Venture capitalists evaluate a firm according to two of the legs: Can they build…

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Attacking Markets: Agent Based Systems, Energy Markets, and Adica

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 31, 2002

When new ventures begin, they take one of two courses. Along one path, the venture identifies a promising market opportunity then builds…

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Mobile Telephony and Computing: Moving Down the Product Lifecycle

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 29, 2002

At the Mobile Wednesday event last week, the speakers approached at mobile telephony and computing with distinctly different viewpoints yet both were…


About The Author

Tim J. Smith, PhD, is the founder and CEO of Wiglaf Pricing, an Adjunct Professor of Marketing and Economics at DePaul University, and the author of Pricing Done Right (Wiley 2016) and Pricing Strategy (Cengage 2012). At Wiglaf Pricing, Tim leads client engagements. Smith’s popular business book, Pricing Done Right: The Pricing Framework Proven Successful by the World’s Most Profitable Companies, was noted by Dennis Stone, CEO of Overhead Door Corp, as "Essential reading… While many books cover the concepts of pricing, Pricing Done Right goes the additional step of applying the concepts in the real world." Tim’s textbook, Pricing Strategy: Setting Price Levels, Managing Price Discounts, & Establishing Price Structures, has been described by independent reviewers as “the most comprehensive pricing strategy book” on the market. As well as serving as the Academic Advisor to the Professional Pricing Society’s Certified Pricing Professional program, Tim is a member of the American Marketing Association and American Physical Society. He holds a BS in Physics and Chemistry from Southern Methodist University, a BA in Mathematics from Southern Methodist University, a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of Chicago, and an MBA with high honors in Strategy and Marketing from the University of Chicago GSB.