Archives tagged: Samsung

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Sony’s Blu-ray Triumphs over Toshiba’s HD-DVD

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 1, 2008

Competitive Equivalence, Competitive Advantage, and the Role of Price The four-year war over the next-generation DVD format for home videos that deliver…

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Telecomeuppance: Telecoms Impending Brand Turmoil

By Tim J. Smith, PhD November 1, 2007

Try this thought experiment. You are the CMO for a top telco. Your company’s portfolio includes the expected assortment of wireless and…

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Price Leadership Denied in LCD Panel Industry

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 1, 2006

In terms of drama, the LCD market has pressed my adrenaline gland for the past five years. Just last month, it hit…

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Looking Outside

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 19, 2002

A danger in all firms is myopia. Companies can focus too long on creating excellence using internal data while the competitive landscape…
