Top 6 – November 2009

Published November 8, 2009
If the company didn’t have any problems, you wouldn’t have a job.
- Winning a war doesn’t require one to annihilate the enemy; it only requires one to establish a future state of peace in which to flourish.
- Personal branding on LinkedIn centers on being ethical, authentic, relevant, and in the moment.
- . An executive’s job is to make the tough decisions. They get the rewards when things go well. They take the heat when thing go wrong. If the logic was sound before the decision was made, then the best decision was made at that time and forgiveness should prevail. If the logic wasn’t thought-out, then that executive has failed. Everyone makes mistakes, but the failure to think is a mistake no organization can afford.
- Each of us is our own Chief Branding Officer (CBO).
- The fight or flight reaction is natural anytime a nasty aggressor enters. Weigh your options carefully.
- To make a good pot roast, make sure you add turnips along with the other root vegetables and a lot of garlic. Pot roast needs dimensions. So does your online brand.
About The Author

Tim J. Smith, PhD, is the founder and CEO of Wiglaf Pricing, an Adjunct Professor of Marketing and Economics at DePaul University, and the author of Pricing Done Right (Wiley 2016) and Pricing Strategy (Cengage 2012). At Wiglaf Pricing, Tim leads client engagements. Smith’s popular business book, Pricing Done Right: The Pricing Framework Proven Successful by the World’s Most Profitable Companies, was noted by Dennis Stone, CEO of Overhead Door Corp, as "Essential reading… While many books cover the concepts of pricing, Pricing Done Right goes the additional step of applying the concepts in the real world." Tim’s textbook, Pricing Strategy: Setting Price Levels, Managing Price Discounts, & Establishing Price Structures, has been described by independent reviewers as “the most comprehensive pricing strategy book” on the market. As well as serving as the Academic Advisor to the Professional Pricing Society’s Certified Pricing Professional program, Tim is a member of the American Marketing Association and American Physical Society. He holds a BS in Physics and Chemistry from Southern Methodist University, a BA in Mathematics from Southern Methodist University, a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of Chicago, and an MBA with high honors in Strategy and Marketing from the University of Chicago GSB.