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Driving Repeat Business Part 3: Customer Group Meetings

By Tim J. Smith, PhD August 13, 2002

Business-to-Business companies are increasing their focus on repeat and referral business. While this may represent a sound strategy, the bird’s eye view…

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Driving Repeat Business Part 2: Direct Contact Tactic

By Tim J. Smith, PhD August 9, 2002

Business-to-Business companies are increasing their focus on repeat and referral business. While this may represent a sound strategy, the devil is in…

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Driving Repeat Business Part 1: Critical Success Factors

By Tim J. Smith, PhD August 8, 2002

Lather, Rinse, Repeat…Lather, Rinse, Repeat…Lather, Rinse, Repeat… We don’t just buy one bottle of shampoo in our lifetime. Likewise, we shouldn’t expect…

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From “Techno Message” to “Business Message”: Developing a Return-on-Investment Sales Tool Internally

By Tim J. Smith, PhD August 7, 2002

“We can’t just state ‘our product will let you do more.’ Instead, we have to go the next step and say by…

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Marketing is a Luxury?

By Tim J. Smith, PhD August 2, 2002

It is said that Marketing is a luxury, especially in B2B or Industrial Markets. When the economic outlook is poor, many firms…

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Revenue Generators – Follow-up on Putting it on the Line

By Tim J. Smith, PhD August 1, 2002

Earlier this month, we examined compensation packages for revenue generators. In regards to compensation plans in which sales people put 100% of…

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Expanding Markets: Mathew Miller of OSIsoft

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 25, 2002

There are four basic growth strategies for firms to increase their revenues. These are penetration, geographic, horizontal, and vertical. Each growth strategy…

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Getting Funded – Synopsis of CSA Explains Funding Sources

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 23, 2002

A necessary process for every new business is attaining sufficient capitalization for developing their product/service, operations, and market. That need for the…

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Sales Management by RJ Calvin Book Synopsis

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 22, 2002

What questions should a business manager ask in the interview process in selecting a sales person? How should she create the sales…

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Looking Outside

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 19, 2002

A danger in all firms is myopia. Companies can focus too long on creating excellence using internal data while the competitive landscape…
