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By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 1, 2002

Chicago is getting some good hype in Nanotechnology. For those of us used to IT, let’s discuss the basics of nanotech. A…

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Selling Messages

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 22, 2002

During the last month, I have attended a number of trade shows with vendors selling business software and hardware to large corporations.…

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Hanging Your Net Shingle, Part 6: Conclusion: Driving Action

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 13, 2002

If corporate web sites are communication tools that can influence decisions and encourage positive actions, how can they drive actions? In this…

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Hanging Your Net Shingle, Part 5: Employees

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 12, 2002

Corporate web sites are communication tools that can influence decisions and encourage positive actions. In this fifth in a series discussing the…

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Hanging Your Net Shingle, Part 4: Partners

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 11, 2002

Corporate web sites are communication tools that can influence decisions and encourage positive actions. In this fourth of a five part series…

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Hanging Your Net Shingle, Part 3: Customers

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 8, 2002

Corporate web sites are communication tools that can influence decisions and encourage positive actions. In this third part of a five part…

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Hanging Your Net Shingle, Part 2: Investors

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 7, 2002

Corporate web sites are communication tools that can influence decisions and encourage positive actions. In this second part of a five part…

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Hanging Your Net Shingle, Part 1: Intro

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 6, 2002

As new ventures get off the ground, one of the early tasks they need to accomplish is create their corporate web site.…

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When Network Externalities Fail Make Glue

By Tim J. Smith, PhD February 28, 2002

Network Externalities has been the mantra among Hi-Tech new ventures. They provide a believable logic behind their revenue forecasts that predict exponential…

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The Nitty-Gritty of Product Management

By Tim J. Smith, PhD February 22, 2002

In bringing new technologies to market, the whole team focuses on the vision. Developers are led by architects offering visions of clean…
