Posts by: James T. Berger
The key finding is that first generation entrepreneurs create a total of 25% of new businesses as an average for the 50 states. The authors pointed out that number exceeds 40% of new businesses in some states.
MoreAnother retail consultant Steve Dresser is also quoted in the BBC article: “Even if they (Toys R Us) didn’t want to give over their stores to the kinds of hands-on experience that you get in Hamleys or a Lego store, they should have done more to keep customers happy, been less functional, more on-trend.
MoreNot only will the American economy be hurt, these actions by an American President with very limited knowledge about economics, will affect the economies of many nations.
MoreClients growing and expanding their in-house agencies was among the “troubling trends” uncovered in the survey. Another problem area expressed by agency executives was “a decline in commitment from their clients to their partnership, and a lack of understanding of the value they offer as an agency partner.”
MoreBy the time you read this article, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will have voted on a FCC proposal to revoke “net neutrality” and stop regulating Internet service providers (ISPs), like landline phone companies such as AT&T and Verizon.
MoreThe creation of the automobile was not a disruptive innovation but Henry Ford’s development of the assembly line was. The creation of the iPhone might be regarded as destructive innovation, but the advances in the technology are clearly sustaining innovation.
MoreCertain retail industries such as groceries, cars, cellphones and airlines to name a few have always been oligopolies, but more and more additional retail product categories are leaving the world of pure competition, and entering the world of oligopoly.
MoreUrban Green Energy (UGE), wrote: “The distributed renewable energy (DRE) industry has gone through significant changes in the last five years, as the industry grew from a cottage industry to one with worldwide revenues of $100 billion and rising.”
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