Celebrating 10 Years, 500 Articles, and 250,000 Readers

10 years ago, the first Wiglaf Journal published. What have we accomplished and where are we going?
Over 500 articles covering sales, marketing, and entrepreneurship have been published. Our authors have expanded to include thought leaders of Jim Berger, David Dalka, Curry Hilton, and others. And, most importantly, you, our reader, have grown to trust us as your source for cutting edge business ideas.
Since launch, your numbers have grown annually at 25% CAGR to over 5,000 unique visitors per month bringing our reach over the decade to over a quarter a million readers. And, you are an elite group of high-earning, highly educated, mid- career individuals.
You have discussed our ideas in corporate boardrooms and university classrooms. You have read our ideas in the US/North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America. You have viewed us through email and online.
To celebrate our 10th year, we have updated our website for you. Included are enhanced features to make it easier to discuss our articles on LinkedIn and other social networks, tools to translate our articles into your native language, and design elements for easier reading on newer platforms. Expect further enhancements coming soon.
Thank you for rewarding us with your audience. Expect us to continue our work at being the leading online magazine for sales, marketing, and entrepreneurship.
Top 10 Reader Favorite Articles
- What Does A Marketing Department Do, Rob Engelman, March 2007
- 40 Years of Profitable Service: A Case Study on Southwest Airlines and Target Pricing, Tim J Smith, April 2011
- 11 Lessons from Chick-fil-A on Entrepreneurship and Marketing Strategy, David Dalka, May 2010
- Abercrombie & Fitch: To Price Promote or Not To Price Promote?, Tim J Smith, PhD, July 2011
- Between Solution and Transactional Selling, Tim J Smith, August 2004
- Price Bundling to Profit, Tim J Smith, January 2008
- P&G Shifts Pricing Strategy to Meet Post-Recession Market, Tim J Smith, September 2010
- Prices and Product Lifecycle – Must All Prices Fall? An examination of Amazon Kindle, Sony Reader, Barnes & Noble Nook, and Apple iPad, Tim J Smith, July 2010
- Toyota — Crisis Management at its Worst, James T. Berger, June 2010
- Legality of Price Discrimination, Tim J Smith, June 2004
Smith’s Top 10 Favorites
- Pricing Strategy Defined in Three Questions
- Occupy Movement and the Existential Purpose of a Firm
- O’Coineen: A Case Study in Entrepreneurship
- Can You Have the Highest Price and the Largest Market Share?
- Pricing for Volume Is Just Hard to Justify
- The Making of a Billion Dollar Business: Low-Power Schottky
- Sales Versus Marketing: Vive la difference
- 40 Years of Profitable Service: A Case Study on Southwest Airlines and Target Pricing
- Concerns of a Sales Manager
- FUD – Use with Care.
Berger’s Top 10 Favorites
- Killing the Golden Goose
- Creating Monopolies form Consumer Value Propositions
- The Decline and Fall of the AT&T Empire
- A New Way to Segment B-T-B Markets – Put your Product to Work
- Nurturing Relationships More Important than ever
- Lessons from a Legend: A Tribute to Ted Levitt.
- LG’s Brilliant Marketing Strategy
- The GROUPON Phenomenon – Is it Sustainable
- Borders & Blockbuster Throwing Money Down a Rathole
- Twitter – Show Me the Money
Tagged: Abercrombie & Fitch, Amazon, Apple, Blockbuster, communication, Groupon
About The Author

congrats on making the 10 year mark and thanks for sharing great pricing thought leadership content, lots of high value info available in the above lists of articles.