Archives tagged: Apple

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The “iPhone” Brouhaha

By James T. Berger February 1, 2007

One of the more interesting intellectual property lawsuits in recent years is starting to unfold as two IP behemoths — Apple and…

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Bad Prices Kill, Good Prices Sustain. Learn it or Bleed.

By Tim J. Smith, PhD February 1, 2007

Novices to marketing often think that cutting prices to grow market share is a sound strategy. Somewhere between high school and the…

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iPod v. Walkman
Winning Price to Quality Competition Using Customer Perceptions and Market Segmentation

By Tim J. Smith, PhD November 1, 2006

The old adage of “you get what you pay for” has long driven both customer behavior and pricing strategy. Some people are…

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TiE Midwest – “Capital Efficiency for Growing Businesses”

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 1, 2006

Moderator, Matt McCall, Portage Venture Partners Mike Domek, CEO, TicketsNow Jason Fried, CEO, 37 Signals Lucas Roh, CEO, Hostway Hosted in Chicago…

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Customer Profitability A Key to M&A Success

By James T. Berger October 5, 2005

Often overlooked by the numbers crunchers in the urge to merge is a crucial principle of modern marketing – analysis of customer…

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Dollarizing Effectiveness in Sales & Marketing

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 8, 2005

Every investment has its own risk and reward profile. While this cautionary statement usually refers to investments between different businesses and asset…

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The 21st Century Business Tools

By Tim J. Smith, PhD February 2, 2005

Unless you take the time to fix your slice, no matter how much you practice your handicap will never improve. Similarly today’s…

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Setting Prices

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 30, 2003

To an outsider, how a company sets prices for new-to-the-world products may resemble black magic coupled with company politics. However, sound pricing…

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Adding A Little Strategy to the Juice: The Quaker-Snapple Debacle Revisited

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 19, 2003

Even given today’s disastrous mergers and acquisitions environment, Quaker’s handling of its 1993 acquisition of Snapple remains the quintessence of what not…
