Archives tagged: business strategy

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Moore’s Law & Semiconductor Pricing

By Anirban Sengupta September 28, 2014

Why does a paper published in 1965 have customers calling looking for discounted prices? And when are these requests reasonable? Anirban Sengupta discusses.

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New Insight into Strategic Sales Force Hiring: Be Careful of Hiring “Stars”

By James T. Berger September 28, 2014

We all want to hire, or work on, talented teams. But how much time and resources should we devote to bringing in “star”-level talent?

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Why Steve Jobs’ Computer Paradigm Shift Prediction Panned Out, and What it Means for the Market

By David Dalka March 6, 2014

Traditional hard drive manufacturers are currently going through a paradigm shift—one where new solid-state hard drives, known as SSD, are taking market share and slowly eliminating traditional hard drives. SSD hard drives of one terabyte or more are slowly becoming affordable to the masses. What is the big deal you ask? Read onward.

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Channel Sales Growth Wisdom From the American Library Association’s 2013 Conference

By David Dalka August 2, 2013

How do publishers successfully market to librarians? David Dalka explores this issue from direct research and interactions at the 2013 American Library Association Conference.

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Procter & Gamble Trumps Church & Dwight: An Example of the Customer Orientation Overtaking a Medieval Business Strategy

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 30, 2013

CEOs Robert McDonald of P&G and James Craigie of Church & Dwight are facing off in the laundry soap business, and one of them is slinging mud. Recent executive comments and division performance reports highlight that the battle in the soap aisle isn’t just about soap, it’s about the fundamental purpose of businesses in competitive markets.

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Is Amazon No Longer a Low-Price Ecommerce Leader?

By David Dalka April 30, 2013

There is a long-standing perception that dates back to the earliest days of the Internet that prices are always cheaper on the web at places like (AMZN).  Today though, this may be a myth.

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Is Your Board of Directors Considering the Right CEO Strategic Business Priorities?

By David Dalka February 4, 2013

Business guru Harvey Mackay stated, “The Japanese have a very simple way of describing the typical American marketing plan: READY? FIRE! AIM.” Sadly little has changed in American business. This is a major reason why the American economy is in constant crisis, and obsolete marketing departments built on late twentieth-century dogma now resemble the spending habits of Communist central planning: disconnected from reality, economically inefficient and lacking accountability to the right things.

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Mapping a Business Strategy in a Broken Economy

By Dean Vella October 3, 2012

The troubled economy of the past several years has challenged – and weakened – many businesses around the world. Although business leaders can’t manage the myriad external factors that impact their organization, they can take advantage of wounded competition through solid strategies.

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10 Strategic Insights from Michael Porter

By James T. Berger September 4, 2012

Joan Magretta has written a book on Harvard Business School’s Prof. Michael Porter entitled: Understanding Michael Porter:  The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy.  What should readers expect?

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Gary Hamel on What Matters Now

By David Dalka July 2, 2012

Business strategist Gary Hamel discusses his new book, “What Matters Now.”
