Archives tagged: communication

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Repositioning Technology: Scott Davis of SmartSynch

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 11, 2002

A difficulty of fundamental research is that scientists rarely know exactly how a discovery will be manifested in the marketplace, that is,…

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CSA Explains: Wireless

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 17, 2002

On Friday morning, 14 June, I had the pleasure of attending the “CSA Explains: Wireless” event at the Lewis Center of De…

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More on Website Design

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 7, 2002

While some design firms produce nice looking sites using Flash, these same techniques force limitations that call their value into doubt. Specifically,…

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Texture of a Site – Norman Inc.

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 1, 2002

Websites are an evolving creature. Initially, they were simple informational sites. They contained gobs of content describing the corporate venture, the principals,…

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Advertising, Part 2: Wheres & Hows

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 25, 2002

My last article clarified the economics and effectiveness of advertising in raising brand awareness and familiarity. Because small businesses often initially limit…

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Marketing Portfolio Management in New Ventures

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 23, 2002

The best practices in marketing hi-tech new-ventures more closely resemble that of a targeted portfolio management than that of a general portfolio…

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Trade Shows, Part 2: A Value Model

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 18, 2002

Trade Shows are costly marketing efforts. They take sales people out of the field and restrict them to an 8X10 piece of…

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Trade Shows, Part 1: Show me the Value

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 17, 2002

Trade Shows, Booth Duty, Event Calendar. Why do we do this? Where is the bang for the buck? If we are to…

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Talking to Markets: David Freeman at Geodesic Systems

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 4, 2002

When company names appear in my column, I have noticed a trend of corporate officers contacting me to ask how I learned…

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Is Rolodex Marketing the Right Answer?

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 3, 2002

It seems to be a dominant philosophy among many managers that the mark of a great sales person is the size of…
