Archives tagged: competitive pricing

Playbook for Competitive Price Engagement

By Tim J. Smith, PhD December 11, 2019

Sun Tzu wrote that “The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities……

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Is Retailing Becoming an Oligopoly?

By James T. Berger October 18, 2017

Certain retail industries such as groceries, cars, cellphones and airlines to name a few have always been oligopolies, but more and more additional retail product categories are leaving the world of pure competition, and entering the world of oligopoly.


Strategic Movements: September 2017

By Tim J. Smith, PhD September 14, 2017

Wendy’s achieved another quarter of same store sales growth.  Was it their sassy social media campaign that reminds detractors of the existence of refrigerators?  Was it their new menu items?  Or was it the fast food chain’s competitive pricing? Of the three, I think it was their social media campaign that propelled otherwise strong product and pricing strategy to outperform.
