Archives tagged: customer segmentation

Tribal marketing and its implications for brand marketing

Tribal Marketing – A Step Beyond Segmentation

By James T. Berger August 16, 2019

“Tribalism,” that loaded word that has become a part of today’s political environment, has also entered the brand marketing world. The “tribes”…

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Pricing is Product Management’s Responsibility Too

By Tim J. Smith, PhD November 16, 2017

Product managers undoubtedly can be held accountable for the profitability of their portfolio. It is reasonably possible to make portfolio profitability a key performance indicator of a product manager. And it reasonable to make this part of their compensation package, thus holding them not only accountable but impacting their own economic condition based on the quality of the decisions they make.

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If My Customers are Unique, Why Isn’t their Pricing?

By Mary DeBoni November 16, 2017

Assigning a list price is an arduous task—we want to make sure we get it just right to ensure good margins and profitability. But are we underestimating the importance of one key question? Who is(are) my end user(s) and how are they using my product? If you can think of various answers you may have various customer segments.

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Price Bundling to Profit

By Tim J. Smith, PhD January 1, 2008

Price Bundling to Profit What is distinct about price bundling vs. other types bundles?  Is price bundling just another form of discounts…
