Archives tagged: iPhone

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Professorial Musings form the World of Marketing

By James T. Berger March 4, 2010

Recent issues of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal have been particularly rich in their commentaries of heretofore magnificent corporations who have fallen on hard times. In particular: Toyota, Palm and Blockbuster. ?

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IPad Has All the Ingredients for a Classic Marketing Blunder

By James T. Berger February 11, 2010

Fresh from its fabulous success with the iPod and iPhone, Steve Jobs has unveiled the latest in Apple’s “iPortfolio,” the iPad. Amid all the hoopla of a major media unveiling, there are some obvious elements of a classic marketing mistake.

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Prices in Flux

By Tim J. Smith, PhD September 1, 2008

These are exciting times.  Prices are in flux.  Many companies are raising prices, some easily, others not so much, and still others…

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To brand…or NOT to brand B2B Products

By James T. Berger December 1, 2007

The conventional wisdom concerning the positives of branding business-to-business products is most compelling, as articulated by Hard University Prof. John Quelch. Quelch…

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Telecomeuppance: Telecoms Impending Brand Turmoil

By Tim J. Smith, PhD November 1, 2007

Try this thought experiment. You are the CMO for a top telco. Your company’s portfolio includes the expected assortment of wireless and…

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Will Emerging Mobile Marketing Evolve to Measure ROI, Deliver Passionate, Relevant Users and Reporting?

By Tim J. Smith, PhD September 1, 2007

It’s 1997 again! No you’re not in a time machine! Take a look at some of the mobile ad startups out there…

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The “iPhone” Brouhaha

By James T. Berger February 1, 2007

One of the more interesting intellectual property lawsuits in recent years is starting to unfold as two IP behemoths — Apple and…

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Bad Prices Kill, Good Prices Sustain. Learn it or Bleed.

By Tim J. Smith, PhD February 1, 2007

Novices to marketing often think that cutting prices to grow market share is a sound strategy. Somewhere between high school and the…
