Archives tagged: MBA

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Performance / Execution Integrated Sales and Marketing

By Tim J. Smith, PhD August 6, 2003

The Data-Driven Approach to Creating Customers and Capturing Profitable Revenue Management Science Meets the Creative and Relationship Edge Marketing is often considered…

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Itron’s Acquisition Spree… Will It Succeed?

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 11, 2003

Itron has been on an acquisition spree but business research indicates that most mergers don’t add value. Why should Itron succeed where…

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Why Is Adoption of AMR and Modern CIS Going So Slowly?

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 14, 2003

The business case for AMR, automated meter reading is solid. Though expensive to install, AMR systems lower operational costs of utilities and…

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CSA Explains… Security & Sabotage

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 14, 2003

Friday, May 2 at KPMG’s Chicago offices, sixteen individuals gathered to understand the legal, business, and technological implications of electronic sabotage. While…

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Relationships, even eCRM ones, are a two-way street

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 16, 2003

Essentially communications works as follows: organizations emit information, and the information is carried to other organizations that sense and interpret it. Media…

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Midwest Nanotech – Hype or Reality?

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 2, 2003

Scientists in the Midwest US have made significant contributions to nanotechnology, but do these advances present real business opportunities in the region?…

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Sales and Marketing Survey of Manufacturing Sector

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 19, 2003

US Manufacturers have been hit with one management improvement revolution after the other. Total quality management, lean production, just-in-time inventory, work-in-motion, reduced…

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Sales Territory Alignment: Grow Sales Without Adding Resources

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 5, 2003

For many companies, the sales force is one of their most expensive human resource investments, with sales calls costing upwards of several…

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Buzzbait’s Growth Challenge

By Tim J. Smith, PhD February 19, 2003

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Buzzbait, a creative web design, development, and integration firm, has been repeatedly praised…

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Driving Repeat Business Part 5: Wrap-up and Next Steps

By Tim J. Smith, PhD August 21, 2002

Business-to-Business companies are increasing their focus on repeat and referral business. In this final installment on driving repeat business, we will review…
