Archives tagged: Nokia

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Prices in Flux

By Tim J. Smith, PhD September 1, 2008

These are exciting times.  Prices are in flux.  Many companies are raising prices, some easily, others not so much, and still others…

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“Top 100 Brands!” Quiz

By James T. Berger January 1, 2008

It’s time to play The Wiglaf Journal’s annual “Top 100 Brands” quiz. All information is generated by the annual Interbrand/Business Week report…

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Insight from a Marketing Master

By James T. Berger November 1, 2007

John Quelch was one of ten marketing experts profiled in the 2007 book, Conversations with Marketing Masters, authored by Laura Mazur and…

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Add-ons or Version

By Tim J. Smith, PhD November 1, 2007

When should a C-level executive pursue an add-on vs. a versioning strategy?  What makes one more attractive than the other?  Should every…

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The Wiglaf Brand Challenge:
How Well Do You Know Your Brands?

By James T. Berger December 1, 2006

Here’s a little quiz for all you Wiglaf Journal readers? Each year Interbrand and Business Week calculate the top 100 brands. See…

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In Bringing Products to Market, Speed is of the Essence

By James T. Berger June 1, 2006

The cover article in the March 27, 2006, BUSINESS WEEK, provides excellent insight for small-to-medium-size businesses seeking to streamline production and distribution…

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Underdogs Achieve When Strategy Aligns with Market Needs

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 1, 2006

It is natural to expect that those who won in prior battles will continue to win in future ones, but underdogs can…

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Looking Outside

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 19, 2002

A danger in all firms is myopia. Companies can focus too long on creating excellence using internal data while the competitive landscape…

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When Network Externalities Fail Make Glue

By Tim J. Smith, PhD February 28, 2002

Network Externalities has been the mantra among Hi-Tech new ventures. They provide a believable logic behind their revenue forecasts that predict exponential…
