Archives tagged: reimbursement

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Low price guarantees have adverse effects on consumer behavior

By Reims Management School (RMS) February 4, 2013

A study conducted by Reims Management School (RMS) reveals that consumers are often put off by promises of lowest prices which are coupled with high refund guarantees – contrary to the usual strategies of many top retailers.

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Healthcare Reform – Aligning Incentives

By David Frankel July 13, 2011

As health care spending consumes a greater and greater share of the nation’s economic output in the future, Americans will be faced with increasingly difficult choices between health care and other priorities. However, a number of opportunities exist to constrain health care costs without adverse health consequences.

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Performance Based Contracting: Performance Pitfalls and Structural Solutions in Outsourcing

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 9, 2003

In the last article, we described how outsourcing has spawned an industry aimed at making it more complicated, time/resource intensive, and disposed…

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Sales Management by RJ Calvin Book Synopsis

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 22, 2002

What questions should a business manager ask in the interview process in selecting a sales person? How should she create the sales…
