
The Niti and Nyaya in Pricing

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 30, 2018

Pricing balances the needs of very disparate interests. Pricing professionals consider profitability, shareholder interest, customer demands, customer psychology, and much more in our recommendations.

The New Invisible Hand: Five Revolutions in the Digital Economy

Whither Middlemen?

By Kyle T. Westra July 30, 2018

Middlemen make for an easy target for disgruntled customers and observers of the economy. At times it can be unclear how they are adding value to a transaction. Sometimes it looks like middlemen are simply inserting themselves into a transaction to increase costs and take a cut.


Decision to Grow Instead of Harvest May Be the Key to Microsoft’s Survival

By James T. Berger July 30, 2018

According to Foley: “Many People find it easier to see the benefits that come with cutting costs and looking for efficiencies and worry that what may come with growth could be elusive.”


Strategic Movements: July 2018

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 30, 2018

It is past time for Corona to raise prices in response to trucking cost inflation, but will competitors follow? The cost hits everyone. Someone needs to lead and then all others should fast follow.


Pricing in the Age of Machine Learning – Hype v. Reality

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 28, 2018

At some point, we must separate hype from reality. Concurrently, we can also reduce confusion created by terms like “data scientist,” “wisdom of crowds,” and “machine learning” with clarity and plain language.

The New Invisible Hand: Five Revolutions in the Digital Economy

The Pitfalls of Dynamic Pricing

By Kyle T. Westra June 28, 2018

In my upcoming book, preliminarily titled The New Invisible Hand, I’ll explore the most important technological trends affecting pricing and commercial strategy. One chapter will focus specifically on this issue: unpacking the promise and perils of dynamic pricing.


Barnes & Noble Looking Like Latest Victim of Retail Maelstrom

By James T. Berger June 28, 2018

Mark Cohen, director of retail studies at Columbia University, also believes the end of B&N is inevitable. “This is late stage demise,” said Cohen. “They were the last man standing in a sense in the traditional brick-and-mortar space, but hey just haven’t figured out how to become relevant. Too little. Too late.”


Top Business Intelligence Tools for Smaller Operations

By Dane O’Leary June 28, 2018

If you’ve decided that implementing a business intelligence tool is the right choice for your small business, there are a couple of things you should consider to ensure that you choose the right one for your specific needs.


Strategic Movements: June 2018

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 28, 2018

With new competitors Norwegian Air Shuttle and JetBlue Airways entering the market, and the addition of smaller 200-seat planes, capacity on transatlantic flights has grown by more than 20% since 2013. That is comparable to a 4% capacity increase year for the past five years. Did demand increase at this rate as well?  Expect pricing pressure to increase as new entrants attempt to muscle their way in.


Pricing Transformation: Decision Making Required, Software Optional

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 24, 2018

What is not stated is “pricing transformation is a software implementation.” Pricing transformations do not require software. Changing routines, the way people work, and the goals of their effort may benefit from software and software may support the cultural change, but new software is not fundamentally required.
