
dollar general

Dollar General Looks Good Today. Will Tomorrow Be Different?

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 26, 2018

From a business strategy standpoint, Dollar General has positioned themselves to avoid direct competition with Amazon and Walmart, having successfully demonstrated a way to deal with the duopoly’s increasing presence in the retail market.


Tariffs Defy Traditional Marketing and Pricing Thinking

By James T. Berger March 26, 2018

Not only will the American economy be hurt, these actions by an American President with very limited knowledge about economics, will affect the economies of many nations.


Strategic Movements: March 2018

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 26, 2018

In his book Pricing: The Third Business Skill, EJ Bouter made the case for pricing to become its own department, right next to finance, marketing, sales, and operations in chapters 14-16.


The Process for Pricing Innovation

By Tim J. Smith, PhD February 23, 2018

A good pricing decision is two-fold: One defines an aspirational list price and a commercial policy that deducts from this list price known discounts, which lead to the expected target prices by customer segment and perhaps channel.


When Shortage Is Strategic

By Kyle T. Westra February 23, 2018

Shortages can be signals of excitement, quality, even virtue. “Sold out” is a powerful story for the right kind of product. Musk’s goal isn’t optimizing his earnings from flamethrowers. His goal is building excitement and investment around his companies. Selling out a flamethrower, and even a hat, does that in a big way.

business meeting

Changing of the Pricing Guards

By Mary DeBoni February 23, 2018

If you can successfully explain why implementing a value-based pricing strategy will be instrumental in moving your company towards their goals and targets, you should be in a pretty good position to get buy-ins.


Marketing Industry Survey Reports—Clients and Agencies May Not Be On the Same Page

By James T. Berger February 23, 2018

Clients growing and expanding their in-house agencies was among the “troubling trends” uncovered in the survey. Another problem area expressed by agency executives was “a decline in commitment from their clients to their partnership, and a lack of understanding of the value they offer as an agency partner.”


Strategic Movements: February 2018

By Tim J. Smith, PhD February 23, 2018

Margrethe Vestager, EU’s antitrust chief, hit Qualcomm with a EUR 977 million fine for anticompetitive practices. Crime: contracts with rebates paid to Apple for using Qualcomm chips exclusively and had a dominant position.


Value on the Table vs. Capturable Value

By Tim J. Smith, PhD January 30, 2018

In this article I will review some of the issues engaged and practices suggested by different authors, and then offer the Half-Gains Double-Losses rule to define the capturable value from the economic value to customer and therefore drive a price recommendation for guiding the pricing decision.


Thinking About a Career in Pricing?

By Mary DeBoni January 28, 2018

Remember, pricing professionals come from a wide variety of backgrounds and the skills needed to be successful can be acquired in many related functions and departments. Just because you don’t have the word pricing in your current title does not mean you are not qualified!
