
Top 6 – December 2008

By Tim J. Smith, PhD December 1, 2008

Pleasant Winter Solstice Peasant Feast? The “new economics” isn’t new, only the players have changed. Now is your opportunity to prove your…

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Matsushita Out, Panasonic Welcomes a New Brand Era

By Tim J. Smith, PhD November 1, 2008

Panasonic began its long history in 1918 as “Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.,” and has grown to become the largest Japanese electronics…

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Starbucks Discovers Marketing Myopia

By James T. Berger November 1, 2008

Prospects for Starbucks, the once high-flying coffee giant continue to implode.  The new fourth quarter 2008 earnings statement that came out Nov.…

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Chicken Feed, Nothing To Laugh At: Manage the Customer Value Proposition to Stave Off Hemorrhaging

By Tim J. Smith, PhD November 1, 2008

While Lonnie “Bo” Pilgrim, Pilgrim’s Pride Chairman, has sailed his ship into near abyss, A.G. Lafley, CEO of P&G, is guiding his…


Top 6 – November 2008

By Tim J. Smith, PhD November 1, 2008

Each snowflake is unique. Is your market proposition unique? Manage and track your branding. You could be a global star and not…

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Referrals: Getting the Most From the ‘Low-Hanging Fruit’ of Sales

By Tim J. Smith, PhD October 1, 2008

Everyone talks about referrals, but few actually pursue them. Referrals should be considered the reward for a job well done. They are…

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Learning from Berkshire Hathaway Part 1

By Tim J. Smith, PhD October 1, 2008

Acquiring with a marketer’s eye Another in a series of white papers for M&A Professionals Summary: If you have been following along…

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Grey Markets Get a Shot of Clean Air

By Tim J. Smith, PhD October 1, 2008

Grey markets caused by parallel importing create challenges for companies.  For some, parallel importing improves revenues.  For many, it is a challenge…


Top 6 – October 2008

By Tim J. Smith, PhD October 1, 2008

Fall Showers to Financial Storms. Wear boots to traverse the muck! Referrals are low hanging fruit. Harvest well. Price discrimination is good…

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The Role of the Customer in Turnarounds: 3 Paths Out of Distress

By Tim J. Smith, PhD September 1, 2008

The world of turnarounds is one of extremes. At one end of the spectrum are the salvage operations where wrecked businesses are…
