Archives posted in: Pricing

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Pricing Banking Services

By Dennis Ng October 29, 2014

The banking services sector is one of the most profitable sectors out there. It is not uncommon to earn an ROE of anywhere between 40%-60%. And as we all know, a 1% increase in price can lead to an 8% increase in profits.

So how do we ensure we get the most profits out of banking services? Are there any secrets? I spent 28 years of my life in the banking services sector and here is what I learnt.

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Moore’s Law & Semiconductor Pricing

By Anirban Sengupta September 28, 2014

Why does a paper published in 1965 have customers calling looking for discounted prices? And when are these requests reasonable? Anirban Sengupta discusses.

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Price is Not (Always) the Most Important Driver to Customer Purchasing Behavior

By Tim J. Smith, PhD September 28, 2014

In Econ 101, we are taught that lower prices lead to higher sales volumes. In sales, we hear directly from customers that the prices are high and they want a discount. And in marketing communications, we learn to “sweeten the offer” in promotions and advertising. But is price really the most important driver to customer purchasing behavior?

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Competitive Price Pressures? How to React and Why.

By Tim J. Smith, PhD August 11, 2014

In free markets, competition is the norm, not the exception, and that competition will limit your latitude for pricing. When competitors lower prices or new competition enters at a lower price, many a novice manager’s gut reaction is to lower prices—but the cost of price concessions may be higher than the cost of customer losses. Experience will temper these beginner instincts over time, but there must be easier and less costly ways to identify the proper reaction to competitive price moves… Enter the Strategic Pricing Reaction Matrix.

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Are Rebates and Customer Loyalty Programs Illegal? A Strategic and Legal Case Study of Intel and Eaton

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 7, 2014

Rebates, discounts, and other forms of incentives are common parts of customer loyalty programs.   Done right, they improve the profitability of the…

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The Next-Best Alternative

By Anirban Sengupta July 7, 2014

Innovation is a great thing: it sparks our creativity, fills needs or streamlines our lives, and fuels our economy. But even the newest-to-the-world products and services face competition. We need to be able to gauge the market outlook for any of our potential offerings, from the most evolutionary to the most revolutionary…

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Getting Pricing Done with Robert Smith, Eastman Chemical Company

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 9, 2014

How are leading companies getting pricing done? What kinds of challenges should the pricing function address? Who should be engaged, and with what sorts of tools and techniques? Find out more in this interview with an industry leader.

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Decoy Pricing Part 2: Profitable Implementation

By Anirban Sengupta June 9, 2014

We’ve explored what decoy pricing is and how to recognize it, now let’s get into how to do it profitably.

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LinkedIn and Apple’s Psychological Pricing Tactics

By Anirban Sengupta May 5, 2014

How can counterintuitive pricing and bundling help make ear additional profit? Take a look at some successful tactical moves that accomplish just that.

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Is Frontier Airlines the New Spirit?

By Mary DeBoni May 5, 2014

Frontier Airlines has announced a new price unbundling strategy. Does that make the firm the new Spirit Airlines? David Siegel, Frontier’s CEO, says no, but judge for yourself.
