Archives tagged: consulting

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Channel Conflict of Interest

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 17, 2002

Getting new ideas to market proves a challenge for any enterprise. Determining the correct target, value proposition, and story to tell customers…

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Growing in Downturns

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 26, 2002

“If the GDP declines but there are no economists reporting it, do we still have a recession?” —- It is no secret…

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Attacking Markets: Agent Based Systems, Energy Markets, and Adica

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 31, 2002

When new ventures begin, they take one of two courses. Along one path, the venture identifies a promising market opportunity then builds…

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Advanced Computing, Part 2: Markets and Cash

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 23, 2002

If there is anything this economic downturn has taught me, it is the importance of cash. Businesses rush to cash opportunities and…

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Advanced Computing, Part 1: Markets and Skill Sets

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 22, 2002

For years, the major advance of corporate computing has been the dissemination of OO programming or ERD and relational databases. When it…

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Is Rolodex Marketing the Right Answer?

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 3, 2002

It seems to be a dominant philosophy among many managers that the mark of a great sales person is the size of…

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Hanging Your Net Shingle, Part 4: Partners

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 11, 2002

Corporate web sites are communication tools that can influence decisions and encourage positive actions. In this fourth of a five part series…

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Product Plans Gone Awry

By Tim J. Smith, PhD February 18, 2002

I attended the DCI (Digital Consulting Inc.: CRM conference on Wednesday, February 13, to discover that some product visions have gone…

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Moving Forward
Prognostication about the digital future

By Tim J. Smith, PhD January 10, 2002

Since we have entered the time for prognostication, I offer these visions of the digital future. We all know the e-tech bubble…
