Archives tagged: Netflix

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Borders and Blockbuster: Throwing Money Down a Rat Hole

By James T. Berger February 3, 2011

It now appears that Border’s and Blockbuster will get their life-saving transfusions of cash and will live to fight another day. As P.T. Barnum once said: “There’s a sucker born every minute.” Neither of these companies deserves to survive.

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The Revolution in Knowledge Delivery Systems

By James T. Berger September 1, 2010

Are you ready for the new paradigms? Do you have a Kindle or iPad for reading books? Do you read your daily newspaper on-line? What kind of home entertainment system do you have connected to your High Definition TV that will allow you to see movies, previously available only at the video store or from a vending machine? What must a successful company do to survive and thrive in this environment?.

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Professorial Musings form the World of Marketing

By James T. Berger March 4, 2010

Recent issues of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal have been particularly rich in their commentaries of heretofore magnificent corporations who have fallen on hard times. In particular: Toyota, Palm and Blockbuster. ?

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Sony’s Blu-ray Triumphs over Toshiba’s HD-DVD

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 1, 2008

Competitive Equivalence, Competitive Advantage, and the Role of Price The four-year war over the next-generation DVD format for home videos that deliver…

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Marketing Lessons from Hollywood

By James T. Berger January 1, 2008

“American Gangster” When I went to the movies and saw “American Gangster,” I not only appreciated the film as superior motion picture…

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2005: The Pricing Year in Review

By Tim J. Smith, PhD December 5, 2005

As the New Year approaches, and “slow news days” become more common, it is customary for journalists and broadcasters to do their…
