Archives tagged: pricing

How to Raise Prices

By Kyle T. Westra January 16, 2020

I recently fielded a question from a former client who was looking for advice on how to raise the price of a…


Gain Insight Using the Price Waterfall

By Nathan L. Phipps January 16, 2020

When executives direct their focus on pricing, they need analytical tools that enable them to quickly get a lay of the land…


In Pricing, What Is the Goal?

By Tim J. Smith, PhD January 16, 2020

In pricing, what is the goal?  Is it to increase profits, revenue, or some other newfound metric?  It seems profit optimization is…


How to Avoid Misleading Your Audience with Statistics

By Nathan L. Phipps November 17, 2019

I recently picked up a copy of Darrell Huff’s 1954 classic How to Lie with Statistics. Although Huff’s background was not in…

Pricing transformations graph

Pricing Transformations Are Political Culture Changes. Manage with Care

By Tim J. Smith, PhD August 16, 2019

A major driver behind undertaking a pricing transformation effort is the acknowledgement that price negotiations both take too long and also lead…


Can Money Buy Your Morals?

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 17, 2019

Classical economics assumes that our rational self-interest will guide our decision making. The first part of that assumption, the “rational” part, was…


What Are You Doing? Log-Linear Regression

By Nathan L. Phipps July 17, 2019

For this month’s article, I offer an overview of a log-linear regression that I conducted for a client recently. While I find…

The New Invisible Hand: Five Revolutions in the Digital Economy

The New Invisible Hand

By Kyle T. Westra July 17, 2019

My book The New Invisible Hand will be released at the end of July. This book is for you if you’ve ever…

The profit revenue bridge for pricing analytics dashboards

Pricing Dashboard Design

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 17, 2019

Executive dashboards are valuable coordination tools. They help pricing teams communicate facts and identify areas deserving executive attention. This is demonstrably clear.…

Example of ineffective UX design for conveying information

The Importance of Speaking Other Business Languages

By Kyle T. Westra June 17, 2019

I was recently in Portland, Oregon for the first time, attending a business conference. The Digital Summit series brings together all manner…
