Archives tagged: regression analysis

What Are You Doing? Log-Linear Regression

By Nathan L. Phipps July 17, 2019

For this month’s article, I offer an overview of a log-linear regression that I conducted for a client recently. While I find…

Pricing analytics: scatterplot demonstrating a simple linear regression exercise

Machine Learning for the Masses: Regression Analysis

By Nathan L. Phipps June 17, 2019

Machine learning has become a very popular topic in recent years. However, I fear that most people hear “machine learning” and assume…


Pricing in the Age of Machine Learning – Hype v. Reality

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 28, 2018

At some point, we must separate hype from reality. Concurrently, we can also reduce confusion created by terms like “data scientist,” “wisdom of crowds,” and “machine learning” with clarity and plain language.

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The Challenge of Developing Accurate Sales Forecasts

By James T. Berger July 9, 2013

Probably the most important task of a sales manager is the development of meaningful and accurate sales forecasts. Amazingly, many sales managers simply look at historical numbers and don’t even bother to try to predict the future. Why and how should they?

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Motivating through Monetary Incentives

By Tim J. Smith, PhD September 12, 2005

Perhaps the most examined structural motivation tool is the incentive structure of the compensation package. Managers have tinkered with this issue more…

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Macroeconomics and Entrepreneurship in 2005

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 11, 2005

There are many paradigms through which people measure the level of entrepreneurship. One paradigm examines entrepreneurship as the event that occurs when…

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Relationships vs. Deliverables

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 17, 2004

Which drives revenue success, the ability to forge strong customer relationships or the ability to create a compelling products and services? Not…

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Drivers to Entrepreneurship

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 14, 2003

People like crystal balls that predict the future. They publicly lament and place blame on potential causes when the crystal balls offer…

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Advanced Computing, Part 1: Markets and Skill Sets

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 22, 2002

For years, the major advance of corporate computing has been the dissemination of OO programming or ERD and relational databases. When it…
