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Bad Labor Market Could Get Worse

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 9, 2003

Despite the expectant rebound in our economy, unemployment is on the rise. The May release of employment data led House Democratic Leader…

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Powering the Business: Rolodexes vs. Campaigns

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 25, 2003

Pushcart or Engine Powered? Starting a business venture with a good Rolodex is like starting at the top of a hill with…

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WEB SITE DESIGNING: Is Anyone Watching?

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 25, 2003

Introduction The Internet has become the medium to get one’s message out to the world. Many companies are successful in utilizing Web…

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Itron’s Acquisition Spree… Will It Succeed?

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 11, 2003

Itron has been on an acquisition spree but business research indicates that most mergers don’t add value. Why should Itron succeed where…

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Hiring Outstanding Sales Executives – Steps to Take and Traps to Avoid

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 11, 2003

Bringing the right sales person into your organization can have a tremendous impact on your company’s success. Recruiting sales professionals should be…

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CSA Explains… Chicago Area Resources to Grow Your Business

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 11, 2003

For entrepreneurs, the time lag between business concept formulation and the achievement of positive cash flows can be excruciatingly long. Even the…

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Elements of a Company Security Program

By Tim J. Smith, PhD June 11, 2003

• What does security mean to you and your company today? • Where does security begin once you are inside of your…

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ADP Dealer Services Succeeds in Mature Market

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 28, 2003

For many markets, the demand for business software has passed the early adopter phase, made it through the tornado, and entered the…

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Outsourcing: It Doesn’t Have to Hurt!

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 28, 2003

“Traditionally, the large, multinational corporation was held together by ownership. Today, it is held together by a strategic purpose. Ownership of the…

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Drivers to Entrepreneurship

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 14, 2003

People like crystal balls that predict the future. They publicly lament and place blame on potential causes when the crystal balls offer…
