The product in question is the Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play sleeper. The product has been on the market since 2009 and Fisher-Price has sold some 4.7 million units, subject to the recall. Since the product was introduced, the Rock ‘n Play sleeper has been blamed for 32 infant deaths.
MoreDesign thinking is a problem-solving approach that uses a repeatable, iterative, and collaborative process to systematically find human-centered solutions that may not be obvious at the onset of the process. Design thinking has been applied to everything from product development, to creating a business model for selling solar panels in Africa or operating Airbnb.
MoreEntrepreneurs are generally entering a business landscape with less information, less skills, less resources than an established business. In fact, one should wonder how any entrepreneur can succeed against large, entrenched corporations they’re forced to share the market with.
MoreCommon examples of channel partners include wholesalers, distributors, and retailers. All of these activities are necessary tasks for a functioning commercial organization. If the supplier doesn’t do one of these tasks, a channel partner must. Conversely, if a channel partner doesn’t, the supplier must.
MoreIn Winning in an era of unprecedented disruption: a perspective on U.S. retail, McKinsey and Company, the international consulting firm that specializes in retail, says the U.S. retail industry is experiencing disruption – in reinvention – at an unprecedented speed.
MoreI know Elon Musk is a Silicon Valley type person, but is he being rational with distribution and price? Tesla announced in late February a plan to end all physical dealerships and move to an online-only distribution. Their justification: to reduce vehicle price to the mythical $35,000. Is this smart?
MoreWhat can a CPG control and what must be taken as a “given” from the market? Which price should a CPG use as its benchmark for comparing different channels and retailers? Which price points should a CPG attempt to manage?
MoreFor years advertisers and advertising agencies have relied on Q. When investing huge sums of money on campaigns using pitch people, the Q factor is crucial in the selection process.
MoreNetflix is raising its prices from $8 to $9 for its “good” version that allows for streaming to one device at a time and from $11 to $13 for its “better” version that allows for streaming to two devices at a time. They justify it to customers by claiming it is for the development of better content (good PR plan).