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Boston Scientific Pricing Spineometer: 5 of 5 Vertebrae

By Tim J. Smith, PhD August 26, 2024

Boston Scientific, a global medical technology company, had a strongly positive Q1 2024. Revenue rose 14% to $3.9 billion and earnings before interest and taxes rose 22 % to $674 million over the same period last year. A review of Boston Scientific’s 24 April earnings call and associated financial reports provided insight regarding the importance of pricing on performance. Pricing was not mentioned in their earnings call. Margins were briefly mentioned by…

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In This Issue

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Driving Repeat Business Part 3: Customer Group Meetings

By Tim J. Smith, PhD August 13, 2002

Business-to-Business companies are increasing their focus on repeat and referral business. While this may represent a sound strategy, the bird’s eye view…

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Driving Repeat Business Part 2: Direct Contact Tactic

By Tim J. Smith, PhD August 9, 2002

Business-to-Business companies are increasing their focus on repeat and referral business. While this may represent a sound strategy, the devil is in…

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Driving Repeat Business Part 1: Critical Success Factors

By Tim J. Smith, PhD August 8, 2002

Lather, Rinse, Repeat…Lather, Rinse, Repeat…Lather, Rinse, Repeat… We don’t just buy one bottle of shampoo in our lifetime. Likewise, we shouldn’t expect…

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From “Techno Message” to “Business Message”: Developing a Return-on-Investment Sales Tool Internally

By Tim J. Smith, PhD August 7, 2002

“We can’t just state ‘our product will let you do more.’ Instead, we have to go the next step and say by…

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