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Adobe Pricing Spineometer: 4 of 5 Vertebrae

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 26, 2024

Adobe, a visual creativity software-as-a-service company, had a positive Q2 2024. Revenue rose 10 % to $5.3 billion and earnings before interest and taxes rose 16 % to $1.9 billion over the same period last year. A review of Adobe’s 13 June 2024 earnings call and associated financial reports provided insight regarding the importance of pricing on performance. Price did come up across various discussions during the earnings call and pricing, discounting,…

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In This Issue

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Mobile Telephony and Computing: Moving Down the Product Lifecycle

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 29, 2002

At the Mobile Wednesday event last week, the speakers approached at mobile telephony and computing with distinctly different viewpoints yet both were…

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Advanced Computing, Part 2: Markets and Cash

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 23, 2002

If there is anything this economic downturn has taught me, it is the importance of cash. Businesses rush to cash opportunities and…

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Advanced Computing, Part 1: Markets and Skill Sets

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 22, 2002

For years, the major advance of corporate computing has been the dissemination of OO programming or ERD and relational databases. When it…

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Customer Lifecycles

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 13, 2002

Much to their detriment, many businesses in B2B markets consider issues of consumer buying behavior theory irrelevant. While much of customer lifecycle…

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