Featured Article

Adobe Pricing Spineometer: 4 of 5 Vertebrae

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 26, 2024

Adobe, a visual creativity software-as-a-service company, had a positive Q2 2024. Revenue rose 10 % to $5.3 billion and earnings before interest and taxes rose 16 % to $1.9 billion over the same period last year. A review of Adobe’s 13 June 2024 earnings call and associated financial reports provided insight regarding the importance of pricing on performance. Price did come up across various discussions during the earnings call and pricing, discounting,…

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In This Issue

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Marketing Portfolio Management in New Ventures

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 23, 2002

The best practices in marketing hi-tech new-ventures more closely resemble that of a targeted portfolio management than that of a general portfolio…

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Trade Shows, Part 3: Maximize the Impact

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 19, 2002

In the second article of this series, we explored a model to show the value of trade shows. While our model demonstrated…

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Trade Shows, Part 2: A Value Model

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 18, 2002

Trade Shows are costly marketing efforts. They take sales people out of the field and restrict them to an 8X10 piece of…

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Trade Shows, Part 1: Show me the Value

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 17, 2002

Trade Shows, Booth Duty, Event Calendar. Why do we do this? Where is the bang for the buck? If we are to…

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