Archives posted in: Pricing
PPG, a paints, coatings, and specialty materials company, had a positive Q2 2023. Revenue rose 3.9% to $4.9 billion and earnings before…
More我們在亞洲的製造業中,最常聽見的詞可能就是 Cost Down 了,這個文法似乎有點不太正確的用詞,卻是面臨中國大陸,越南,以及其他低成本勞力的製造業競爭·時不得不的作為,然而,各家製造業在執行Cost Down的同時,有可能忽略了什麼嗎?又應該注意什麼呢,面對競爭是否只有Cost Down一途可以採用呢?我們都知道提升產品競爭力可以避免進一步的價格紅海競爭,那又該怎麼做,今天讓我們共同來思考這個問題。
MoreA constant source of joy in this research is in discovering who places a priority on pricing and who provides it with…
MoreFortive, a technology conglomerate working in healthcare and operating with many branded business units, had a positive Q2 2023. Revenue increased 4.3%…
MoreHalliburton, an oil services company, had a positive Q2 2023. Revenue increased 14% to $5.7 billion and earnings before interest and taxes…
MoreMettler-Toledo, a global scales and balances company, had a flat Q2 2023. Revenue rose slightly 0.4% to $982 million and earnings before…
MoreMondelez, a global chocolate, candy, gum, snack food, and other consumables company, had a strong Q2 2023. Revenue rose sharply 17% to…
MoreTE Connectivity, a global electrical and electronics components company, had a relatively flat Q3 2023. Revenue fell slightly by 2.4% to $4.0…
MoreJuly was a busy month for our events. We had Pricing and Profit Management Luncheons in 3 locations: Chicagoland on July 11th,…
More你是否曾經在7-11便利商店看過,御飯糰搭配飲料,折扣十元,的促銷活動?是否在大賣場看到買A搭配B,特價多少錢?或者是在國外看音樂劇或是看球的時候,可以購買套票,這些也許是我們日常已經見怪不怪的銷售手法,但在看似簡單背後,其實隱藏著更深的學問,當一家大型公司要制定Bundling策略的時候,考慮的遠遠大於只有,把兩個東西一起賣,然後打折,今天就讓我們來探討bundle pricing的意義。