Archives tagged: MBA

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Is Your Board of Directors Considering the Right CEO Strategic Business Priorities?

By David Dalka February 4, 2013

Business guru Harvey Mackay stated, “The Japanese have a very simple way of describing the typical American marketing plan: READY? FIRE! AIM.” Sadly little has changed in American business. This is a major reason why the American economy is in constant crisis, and obsolete marketing departments built on late twentieth-century dogma now resemble the spending habits of Communist central planning: disconnected from reality, economically inefficient and lacking accountability to the right things.

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Lessons from Fortune’s “The 12 Greatest Entrepreneurs of Our Time”

By James T. Berger May 4, 2012

What secrets can we gain from Bezos, Jobs, Zuckerberg, Mackey, Kelleher, and Walton? Examine Fortune’s 12 greatest entrepreneurs of our time.

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Killing the Golden Goose

By James T. Berger October 6, 2011

In a marketing blunder that rivals Coca Cola’s (temporary) abandonment of its original formula in favor of the sweeter “New Coke,” Netflix (NFLX), despite its incredible success and customer affection, decided to raise its prices 60 percent. Stock tumbled 19 percent. One million customers instantly abandoned Netflix. Was this incredible greed, stupidity or just plain ignorance?

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Entrepreneurial Musings

By James T. Berger April 6, 2011

The pattern is pretty similar: the erstwhile entrepreneur usually has a wonderful idea for a money-making business. Often they have done enough research to determine that their idea is unique and they haven’t found anybody else doing precisely what they have in mind. They are excited about their concept and seek advice on how to take it to the next step and go into business for themselves. Here is some of the advice I usually hand out to these entrepreneurs.

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Infographic: How Netflix is Destroying Blockbuster

By Tim J. Smith, PhD March 2, 2011


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P&G Shifts Pricing Strategy to Meet Post-Recession Market

By Tim J. Smith, PhD September 1, 2010

The Wall Street Journal has reported that Proctor & Gamble Co.’s new CEO, Robert McDonald, is “slashing prices” and warns of an impending price war in the branded consumer packaged good (CPG) industry.  Yet, Mr. McDonald states, “In my mind there’s not a price war going on.”  Is the Wall Street Journal guilty of hyperbole or is Mr. McDonald blithe to the profit destruction of price cuts?

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It’s Time for a New Booking Class in Airline Pricing: Coach Plus

By Tim J. Smith, PhD January 13, 2010

Since the introduction of global distribution systems for airline tickets and hotel rooms, the commoditization of coach flights was foretold. The internet has only exasperated the problem, leading to the despairing cry that, in coach pricing, “an airline can only price as smart as their dumbest competitor.” To combat this horrid position, airlines may want to consider creating a new “Coach Plus” booking class.

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Price War Breaks Out in Online Books: How to End It

By Tim J. Smith, PhD November 8, 2009

In late October, Wal-Mart kicked off the most devastating book price war in a decade by selling its 10 most anticipated hardbacks for $10 a piece when pre-ordered online. Hours later, Amazon picked up the gauntlet and declared a defensive stance with matching prices. Wal-Mart lunged back on the offensive with a price cut to $9. Within a day, Amazon responded with a Prise de Fer by also moving to $9. The war is on. Read how it must end.

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Global Marketers Unclear About Obama’s Direction

By James T. Berger September 14, 2009

Global marketers looking for direction from the Obama Administration will have to wait a little longer. There are no clear signals as to whether Obama will embrace free trade, like his immediate predecessors, or revert to a more protectionist policy, favored by one of his primary bases of support.

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Empathy – The Missing Element in Relationship Marketing

By James T. Berger January 3, 2009

In this winter of our discontent, where survival seems to be what everybody’s trying to do, it seems remarkable that for lack of empathy – people and companies are jeopardizing valuable relationships. One wonders if it’s simply lack of feeling, plain stupidity or incredible arrogance.
