Archives tagged: pricing

The seven key factors for enabling a price increase to succeed

Seven Keys to Successfully Increasing Prices in 2021

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 20, 2021

In today’s post-pandemic, rising inflation economy, most companies realize a need for a price change. If you are considering a price increase today, which you likely are, here are the seven key factors for enabling a price increase to succeed.

Timely Feedback is Essential for Pricing

Timely Feedback is Essential for Pricing

By Nathan L. Phipps June 17, 2021

Feedback on pricing behavior needs to be timely. In most cases, that means that salespeople need to have feedback on their prices at the time of the sale. How else can they discern meaningful information about the transaction and adjust accordingly?

What Do Hiring Managers Look for When Hiring Pricing Professionals?

The Makings of a Pricing Professional

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 16, 2021

The Makings of a Pricing Professional What does it take to become a pricing professional?  What do hiring managers look for in…

Pricing professionals must be adaptable and be prepared to adjust pricing in response to changing market conditions

When Pricing, Adaptability is Useful

By Nathan L. Phipps April 16, 2021

Life is transient. So, adaptability certainly helps. Earlier this week, I found myself reflecting on a recent project. A client was about…

What exactly is going on with Texas’s deregulated electricity market?

What Does Pricing Tell Us About What Happened to Texas’s Power Grid?

By Kyle T. Westra March 19, 2021

A series of major winter storms in February led to a crisis for Texas’s electrical power system. In short, the system failed…

Critical skills applicable to all career pursuits

Building Career-Agnostic Skills

By Kyle T. Westra February 19, 2021

I pulled down this mug the other day and gave it a good look for the first time in years. It’s a…

Wiglaf's Kyle Westra Provides Key Takeaways from Impact Denver

Creating Impact in Denver

By Kyle T. Westra October 15, 2020

I recently completed Impact Denver (ID), a nine-month study in leadership, civic engagement, and the local business community. A program of the…

Pricing hypothesis for identifying profit leakages

Day One Pricing Leader Agenda

By Tim J. Smith, PhD September 20, 2020

Congrats. You have just been appointed to a newly created role in pricing leadership at a decent-sized company. Day One: what is…


What Skills and Training Do Pricing Professionals Need?

By Kyle T. Westra August 20, 2020

When it comes to defining the role of pricing, it can be complicated. Pricing can mean various things in various industries and…

The Value of Pricing Training: Avoid Costly Pricing Mistakes

The Value of Pricing Training: Avoid Costly Pricing Mistakes

By Nathan L. Phipps July 16, 2020

The business world is littered with examples of costly pricing mistakes that could have been prevented through the application of standard pricing…
