Archives tagged: business strategy
近期大家可能都可以看到一個新聞:Uber Eats 以大約台幣308億元的價格併購了Food Panda 的台灣外送事業,這個曾經是台灣外送業龍頭一哥的知名品牌,最終經營權易手給了這個國際等級的競爭對手,其實,當Uber Eats一進來台灣的時候,我們就觀察到了,Uber Eats在很多不管是外送員的雇用上,與餐廳的溝通合作上,以及與消費者的關係上(定價與消費者策略),都更合理,更能達到平衡,那麽Food Panda是如何與Uber Eats競爭,以及如何走到這一步,又可能為何走到這一步呢?讓我們一起來了解。
MoreLet’s talk about rebates. Anyone who has ever dealt with managing rebates knows that it is difficult. There is generally a lot…
MoreIf you’ve ever used a ride hailing app, chances are that at some point you’ve experienced a higher than expected fee. Surge…
MorePricing projects generally involve a high level of collaboration and coordination between numerous departments in an organization. At a minimum, representatives from…
MoreIn pricing, what is the goal? Is it to increase profits, revenue, or some other newfound metric? It seems profit optimization is…
MoreMy book The New Invisible Hand will be released at the end of July. This book is for you if you’ve ever…
MoreI was recently in Portland, Oregon for the first time, attending a business conference. The Digital Summit series brings together all manner…
MoreFrom a business strategy standpoint, Dollar General has positioned themselves to avoid direct competition with Amazon and Walmart, having successfully demonstrated a way to deal with the duopoly’s increasing presence in the retail market.
More“Strategy consultant” is a job title that is can mean everything and nothing. It’s no surprise that people have trouble understanding what skills are necessary for a strategy consultant, let alone what the role even normally entails.
MoreCEO’s are responsible for organizing productive operations, and ultimately generating revenue. When it comes to their pricing responsibility, CEO’s manage pricing decisions by defining the culture, structure, and routines necessary for producing sound decisions that align with their strategy.