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Adobe Pricing Spineometer: 4 of 5 Vertebrae

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 26, 2024

Adobe, a visual creativity software-as-a-service company, had a positive Q2 2024. Revenue rose 10 % to $5.3 billion and earnings before interest and taxes rose 16 % to $1.9 billion over the same period last year. A review of Adobe’s 13 June 2024 earnings call and associated financial reports provided insight regarding the importance of pricing on performance. Price did come up across various discussions during the earnings call and pricing, discounting,…

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In This Issue

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Drivers to Entrepreneurship

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 14, 2003

People like crystal balls that predict the future. They publicly lament and place blame on potential causes when the crystal balls offer…

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Adventures in Technology for Utilities: Metering Billing CRM/CIS Americas

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 14, 2003

At the Spintelligent Metering, Billing, CRM/CIS Americas conference held in Chicago, IL during May 2003, over 450 registered attendees were treated to…

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New Markets for Data Capture and Management Created in Green Buildings

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 14, 2003

Building energy efficient buildings has been a pursuit of many ecology minded activist and architects, but economics has driven the market towards…

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Automated Meter Reading with Manual Intervention Creates Value

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 14, 2003

The electric meter is the cash register of a power utility company. For the consumer of electricity, it is also the source…

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