Archives tagged: branding
“American Gangster” When I went to the movies and saw “American Gangster,” I not only appreciated the film as superior motion picture…
MoreThe conventional wisdom concerning the positives of branding business-to-business products is most compelling, as articulated by Hard University Prof. John Quelch. Quelch…
MoreTry this thought experiment. You are the CMO for a top telco. Your company’s portfolio includes the expected assortment of wireless and…
MoreJohn Quelch was one of ten marketing experts profiled in the 2007 book, Conversations with Marketing Masters, authored by Laura Mazur and…
MoreThe Beauty of Autumn Colors Rises from the Death of Chlorophyll Kill erratic brands. – Global brand builders position the brand in…
MoreThe trouble with the outbound role of product marketing is that we have an identity crisis on our hands-we’re misunderstood, misguided, and…
MoreWhen industries decline, it is tempting for competitors to make a dash for regaining lost volumes by slashing prices. But, are price…
MoreValue First, Cost Second Price is not the competitive equalizer. Value is. Consider how to communicate your value proposition properly. Communicating the…
MoreSmart national and regional multifamily Realtors are increasingly seeing the value of branding to create an image for properties that are translatable…
MoreKeep the Baby, Discard the Bathwater, then Shift Dimensions Price Leadership and Followership are not ideas stuck in yesteryear. Tobacco, shipping, and…