Archives tagged: consulting

What are “Ironclad” Brands and How to Maintain Them

Polarization of Politics Having an Effect on Brand Management

By James T. Berger August 23, 2018

Trump has an ultra-loyal 35-40% of the electorate who will follow him anywhere. On the other hand, the anti-Trumpers have an equal or greater percentage of the population that feels exactly the opposite.


Decision to Grow Instead of Harvest May Be the Key to Microsoft’s Survival

By James T. Berger July 30, 2018

According to Foley: “Many People find it easier to see the benefits that come with cutting costs and looking for efficiencies and worry that what may come with growth could be elusive.”


Pricing Transformation: Decision Making Required, Software Optional

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 24, 2018

What is not stated is “pricing transformation is a software implementation.” Pricing transformations do not require software. Changing routines, the way people work, and the goals of their effort may benefit from software and software may support the cultural change, but new software is not fundamentally required.

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Innovating the World of Management Consulting

By Kyle T. Westra November 16, 2017

Consultancies, he says, are focusing on lowering costs rather than driving value. “In any industry, when the basis of competition becomes efficiency versus innovation and new solutions, disruption lies on the horizon.”Innovating the World of Management Consulting


Strategic Consulting as Detective and Diplomat

By Kyle T. Westra July 19, 2017

“Strategy consultant” is a job title that is can mean everything and nothing. It’s no surprise that people have trouble understanding what skills are necessary for a strategy consultant, let alone what the role even normally entails.

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Five Pricing Best Practices for Organizations

By Kyle T. Westra December 10, 2016

Dedication to understanding its customers makes a company more knowledgeable about the competitive landscape and better equipped to anticipate changing conditions. The entire company feels less insular and more connected to its existential purpose: serving customer needs profitably.

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Pricing Done Right

By Tim J. Smith, PhD August 3, 2016

Pricing Done Right provides a roadmap for improving pricing practices within any market-oriented firm. It provides a framework for managing pricing decisions in any organization. It clarifies the best practices for defining the organizational culture, architectural hierarchy, and routines for getting pricing done right.

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Will Bid for the Presidency Destroy the Trump Brand?

By James T. Berger July 3, 2016

Politico writes: “But as Trump the candidate has ascended, hitting the top of the polls and staying there thanks to a series of controversial statements and a groundswell of Republican populist support, the opposite has happened to Trump the brand.”

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Middlemen In the New Economy

By Kyle T. Westra May 9, 2016

Marina Krakovsky argues in a compelling new book that conventional wisdom was wrong. The Middleman Economy argues that, while transaction costs have decreased for everyone, they have decreased at an even faster rate for professional middlemen, leading to have an even larger role in today’s economy.

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Professional Service Pricing: Beyond the Hourly Rate and into the Deliverable

By Tim J. Smith, PhD February 4, 2016

In deliverable based pricing, prices are tied to deliverables, not effort. In order for that to work in favor of the service provider, that provider has to know, plan, and execute what it takes to achieve the defined deliverable with the client. (Laggard service providers may be afraid of deliverable based pricing precisely because of their project management skill-set deficit – but it is something they can learn.)
