Featured Article

Adobe Pricing Spineometer: 4 of 5 Vertebrae

By Tim J. Smith, PhD July 26, 2024

Adobe, a visual creativity software-as-a-service company, had a positive Q2 2024. Revenue rose 10 % to $5.3 billion and earnings before interest and taxes rose 16 % to $1.9 billion over the same period last year. A review of Adobe’s 13 June 2024 earnings call and associated financial reports provided insight regarding the importance of pricing on performance. Price did come up across various discussions during the earnings call and pricing, discounting,…

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In This Issue

Johnson & Johnson Pricing Spineometer: 4 of 5 Vertebrae

By Tim J. Smith, PhD May 24, 2024

Johnson & Johnson, a global pharmaceutical and medical technology company, had a positive Q1 2024. Revenue rose 2.3% to $21.4 billion and…

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平台費的收取與Food Panda的終點

By Yuhung S. Shen May 24, 2024

近期大家可能都可以看到一個新聞:Uber Eats 以大約台幣308億元的價格併購了Food Panda 的台灣外送事業,這個曾經是台灣外送業龍頭一哥的知名品牌,最終經營權易手給了這個國際等級的競爭對手,其實,當Uber Eats一進來台灣的時候,我們就觀察到了,Uber Eats在很多不管是外送員的雇用上,與餐廳的溝通合作上,以及與消費者的關係上(定價與消費者策略),都更合理,更能達到平衡,那麽Food Panda是如何與Uber Eats競爭,以及如何走到這一步,又可能為何走到這一步呢?讓我們一起來了解。

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Advance Auto Parts Pricing Spineometer: 4 of 5 Vertebrae

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 15, 2024

Advance Auto Parts, an automotive afterparts and accessories supplier, had a challenging FY 2023. Revenue rose 1.4% to $11.2 billion yet earnings…

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Packaging Corporation of America Pricing Spineometer: 2 of 5 Vertebrae

By Tim J. Smith, PhD April 15, 2024

Packaging Corporation of America, a containerboard and corrugated packaging company, had a negative FY 2023 following a bumper 2022 yet showed three-year…

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